Bible 101

Session – 83

The Book of Joshua Chapter 24

In Session 82, Chapter 11, we learned that God gave his blessings unto Joshua for the slaughter of every man, woman, and child of King Jabin’s twenty kingdoms.

Chapter 24


Now, therefore, fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your father served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt: serve ye the LORD (Josh. 24:14).

Let’s take a closer look at this. The Israelites used the fear factor as a tool of intimidation to show the faithful that their god was better than all other gods. The mythology between the pages of the Bible promoted the fear factor so that the Lord God of Israel would come out on top of all other gods before him—and what would happen to all if he did not?  

The Lord God of Israel won out because the Israelites built a better mouse trap called simplicity. Instead of worshiping 500 gods, we now have the option to worship one god, who came with a book of instructions called the Bible, which was made up of other ancient religious ideologies claimed by Judaism.

This, in turn, led to Christianity building Churches to promote their ideology of faith, fear, and control, which they learned from Judaism, which originated mostly from the Egyptians.

Remember, technology is the only thing that separates modern man from ancient man. The doctrine of Christianity is primarily built on four principles. The first is faith, which is believing in something one cannot see, hear, or touch. The second is prayer; when you pray to nothing, you get nothing. The third is lies; the world is in chaos because people believe. The fourth is donations; money is the root of all evil.

Jesus Christ supposedly died in early April of AD 30. Miraculously, anyone who has ever seen or spoken to Jesus while he was alive cannot be found buried anywhere on this planet! Yet, the Vatican claims to have body fragments of some of these people who have walked between the pages of the Bible, which is based on their belief structure, but no concrete hard evidence of proof.


In the end, the only thing they have is a bag of innuendos and contradictions that have given false hope to 2.4 billion Christians.

The Book of Joshua has 16 known errors.

Who wrote the Bible?

Ivan Peter Kovak

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